A collection of 8 books I've read with an average rating of 4.4.

Introduction to Probability
Provides necessary foundation for further math and statistics.

Beyond Cracking the Coding Interview
The 2025 version of the acclaimed 'Green Book' for SWE.

Algorithmic Game Theory
Deep dive into computation of equilibria and related CS theory.

Bertrand Russell's quest to establish the foundations of mathematics.

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
The standard high-level overview of OS topics. Written with Heavy UNIX bias.

Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Designing data-intensive applications (as the title might suggest).

Introduction to Algorithms
The definitive reference book for Algorithms.

The Pragmatic Programmer
Practical wisdom covering topics from basic tools to software design.
To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge.